
About us

Meet a team of rotorcraft enthusiasts

Leocopter Air Services is currently located in Switzerland and has the main goal to provide a broad range of helicopter based services. The founders have many years of professional experience in sales, marketing, information technology and business administration at an advanced level. All members of staff are FAA rated helicopter pilots and experienced in Robinson, Airbus and Bell helicopters. We at Leocopter a highly passionate about Helicopters and its capabilities.

Leocopter Air Services provides a global Helicopter Safety Program in collaboration with the Vuichard Recovery Aviation Safety Foundation. Hence, the overall objectives are to improve the awareness for safety and its actions to reduce the risks and therefore to prevent incidents and finally saving lives.

Finally, our broad network of experts ensures that the knowledge is transferred from cyclic to cyclic at its spot.

Charly Graf


Founder & owner of Defendeer Ltd. which offers Cyber Security Services services for national and multinational companies since 2001. Leocopter is a service division of Defendeer Group since 2017. Charly has more than 30 years of professional experience in sales, marketing, information technology and human resources management. Creator of the job broker platform and other digitalized services.

Holder of a Commercial Helicopter License with Instrumental rating and flying experience in Robinson, Airbus and Bell Helicopters in the U.S.A. and Switzerland.

Dee von Allmen


Dee von Allmen is a Marketing Manager, Helicopter Pilot, and Co-Founder of Leocopter Air Services.

With competencies in marketing, media, design, and interior design, she brings a diverse skill set to her role. Dee is a member of the Whirly Girls Organization #1985 and actively participates in global helicopter safety seminars. With over 20 years of professional experience, she has made significant contributions to sales, marketing, IT, and HR management. Dee is a holder of a Private Helicopter License and flying experience in Robinson, Airbus and Bell Helicopters in the U.S.A. and Switzerland.

Success Story

Make dreams come true

“THANK YOU 💜to the wonderful Désirée Dee von Allmen for the aero-cool, transparent, and honest interview, in which she aims to motivate boys and girls equally and educate them through her personal story.

The dream of flying has accompanied our powerwoman Désirée Dee von Allmen since childhood. She knew early on that she wanted to become a pilot. But the path to this declared goal was anything but easy. She didn’t give up and kept fighting. With success.👩🏻‍✈️

Today, Désirée Dee von Allmen is the co-founder of Leocopter – Air Services and internationally recognized with her company. In an interview with Yousty, she talks about her professional career, the ups & downs, and how she grew beyond herself.”

Video Courtesy of | many thanks. is an organization that provides information about apprenticeships and internships in Switzerland. It offers a wide range of opportunities for students to find and apply for apprenticeships in various industries. The website also features helpful resources such as tips for interviews and CV writing. Overall, serves as a platform to connect students with potential employers and assist them in their career development.

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