
Are you a helicopter pilot looking to enhance your skills and prioritize safety in aviation?

Learn from the wealth of experience and expertise of Claude Vuichard, a seasoned helicopter pilot with decades of flying under his belt.

With Claude Vuichard’s comprehensive training programs and insights, you can gain invaluable knowledge and practical strategies to elevate your piloting abilities and ensure safer operations in the skies. Benefit from his unique approach and proven methods to become a more proficient and safety-conscious helicopter pilot.

Vuichard Mountain Training

Learn to fly in high altitude

Enjoy the beauty of the Swiss Alps with Vuichard High Altitude Safety Training. Experience the best helicopter playground in the world while improving your high altitude skills. Our training program consists of complementary modules, including approaching and landing at official mountain landing sites, as well as emergency procedures at high altitude. Flying in the Swiss Alps poses challenges for pilots of all levels, and our training ensures that pilots enhance their skills in situational awareness, decision making, and flight maneuvers.

Our program is designed for small groups of 4 to 6 participants, who will have the opportunity to stay at famous locations in Switzerland. In addition to practical flight training, each module includes several hours of ground lessons. You can choose from different aircraft that suit your preferences.

Whether you prefer staying in the capital of Switzerland or up in the mountains, let us know your training goals and accommodation preferences.

Click below for details of each module.

Modular design of our Vuichard High Altitude Safety Training – Build your own training

Module 1: Basic Techniques for Safe High Altitude Operations

Course Description: The course provides the fundamentals for flying in high mountainous areas. Participants will receive practical training with approximately 50 landings between 9,000 and 14,000 ft. In addition, ground lessons will cover topics such as basics, aerology, performance, and survival. This module has been designed by Claude Vuichard based on his extensive experience in search and rescue missions and commercial operations in the Swiss Alps.

Module 2: Advanced Emergency Procedures in Mountainous Regions

Course Description: This training is designed for participants of Module 1 or helicopter pilots with equivalent flying experience. It focuses on training emergency techniques in real scenarios and environments. Ground lessons cover basics, emergency procedures, and special techniques. Claude Vuichard has designed this module based on his experience in search and rescue missions and commercial operations in mountainous areas.

Module 3: Advanced Techniques for Safe High Altitude Operations

Course Description: This training is the final step in our high-altitude safety training. Pilots who already have a mountain rating or extensive experience in mountain flying can take their skills to the next level with this course. Topics covered include energy usage, performance management, flying techniques in high wind conditions, and handling up- and downdrafts. Participants of Modules 1 and 2 are also eligible to apply for this module. Claude Vuichard has designed this module based on his experience in search and rescue missions and commercial operations in mountainous areas.

Module 4: Swiss Mountain Rating for Certified Helicopter Pilots

Course Description: Pilots who wish to achieve certification for the Swiss Mountain Rating can book this module. The main objectives are to meet all flying requirements and pass the civil aviation skill test. Modules 1 and 2 are creditable towards completing the requirements for the mountain rating. Pilots with high altitude experience may also be eligible for credits towards the requirements. This module includes ground lessons covering basics, emergency procedures, and special techniques. Claude Vuichard has designed this training program based on his experience in search and rescue missions and commercial operations in mountainous areas.

We look forward to welcoming you soon to the best helicopter playground in the world.

Vuichard Advanced Autorotation Training

Adapt a safe autorotation technique that works

Advanced Autorotation Training Program Description of the Advanced Autorotation Training Program

In this program, you will spend three days with an outstanding Helicopter Expert and learn advanced autorotation techniques to enhance your confidence in your daily flying operations. In many cases, autorotations are taught based on the flight review or check ride and are based on the aircraft’s POH. However, this setup does not reflect most of the daily operations in helicopters, especially those in the H/V diagram.

This training course focuses on flight situations that require adapted autorotation techniques, such as up-slope autorotation in the mountains. Situational awareness and the correct reaction to emergencies are crucial for a safe landing.

The course consists of a theory part that covers the fundamentals of autorotation and procedures, followed by training on a new full-motion virtual reality simulator to familiarize yourself with the new procedures. Finally, there will be flight training to validate the new techniques in real flight situations.


The course takes place over three consecutive days.


The Vuichard Flight Training sessions are conducted at Berne–Airport (LSZB) in Belp, Switzerland or Grenchen-Airport, Switzerland (LSZG), depending on the type of aircraft desired.

Course Structure

AAR – Day I


  • Fundamentals of Autorotation, explaining the differences between POH and operational procedures, as well as Vuichard autorotation techniques
  • Initiation of Autorotation at different speeds and flight configurations such as climb, cruise, and departure
  • Introduction to scanning techniques during the procedures and correction capabilities


  • Introduction and initial training of autorotation in the Flight Simulator


  • Standard Autorotation at speed vy up to 45 kts, including Drop-2-Stop Technique

AAR – Day II

Flight Training

  • Transfer experience from Day I into practice in the aircraft. The main objective is to demonstrate the application of theory into practice at a non-proficiency level
  • Introducing procedure systematics such as correction and assessment of the terrain


  • Review of achieved level and consolidation of initial experience through error correction during execution


  • Standard Autorotation at speed vy up to 45 kts, including Drop-2-Stop Technique



  • Repetition of Day I and II and introduction to Autorotation at low speed, in 360° turns, and confined areas, including slopes
  • Introducing additional systematics for interception, as well as correction and assessment of the terrain

Flight Training

  • Transfer experience from Day II into practice in the aircraft. The main objective is to demonstrate the application of theory into practice at a non-proficiency level


  • Conclusion of the course with final thoughts and recommendations for future training, as well as the presentation of the certificate of participation


  • Standard Autorotation at low speed, in 360° turns, and slopes in mountainous areas, including Drop-2-Stop Technique


  • Three full-day course
  • Robinson-R44 or Airbus H125 flight training
  • Simulator training (full motion, 6DOF, VR-Headset)
  • Includes light lunch
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