The Vuichard Recovery Aviation Safety Foundation has just released the new safety video on “How to avoid a vortex ring state in helicopter operation” to the public.In this educational video in part one of three, pilots will learn the three prerequisites to build up a Vortex Ring State. It presents the aerodynamic background of the build up and the typical signs of a Vortex Ring State. Special is paid to the different vortex ring state sectors in relation to the rotor disk load. The video is packed with incredible animations and exciting new footage. This instructional video, part one of three, uses incredible animation and exciting footage to illustrate the three conditions necessary for a Vortex Ring State to build up. The goal is for pilots to recognize the aerodynamic background of the Vortex Ring State at an early stage and thus prevent vortex accidents. This Safety Video is a must for every helicopter pilot from beginners to professionals. Therefore, take your time to watch this video, as it contains an enormous amount of safety relevant information about VRS.